Steve Yeun’s Next Challenge

In the course of a short The Walking Dead season, Steve Yeun helped take us all on the ride of our lives. As Glenn, he won our hearts with his humor, bravery and strategic skills. He acted out Juliette’s worst nightmare and topped the charts for men of the zombiepocalypse.

Given the experiences of his cast-mates IronE Singleton and Anthony Guajardo – we would argue Steve Yeun is now undertaking the ultimate act of zombie-preparedness by agreeing to take on Zombie Survival Crew.

You have until midnight, EST time on Monday, January 10 to ask your questions.

ZSC Command will select the top 10 most original, intriguing questions for Steve to answer.


Steve – from all of us on the #zombiesurvivalcrew – THANK YOU for doing this! We appreciate your willingness to engage with the fans like this! If you survive, you will have an honorary spot on Command’s rapid response team!


A few ground rules:

  • You can ask all you want, but Steve’s a busy guy (and so are we) so let’s keep it concise please!
  • There are certain things he can’t reveal, so if you ask about Season 2 or future plans he may not be able to give a full answer.
  • Keep it clean and respectful! We will toss any questions we find offensive or vulgar.
  • You can ask your question here in the comment section or via email at zombiesurvivalcrew (at) gmail (dot) com.