Break in the Chain?

The Zombie Survival Crew members are awesome. Your responsiveness to building the communication chain has been much appreciated and we, the Fearless Leaders, salute you. *Crossbows raised* *whispers* Don’t worry, we won’t let Juliette get carried away and start shooting you. On January 29th, we announced the start of the Brigade Buddy system, and you, the faithful crew members have been hard at work attempting to establish communications with your assigned buddy and requesting orders when communications have not been established. Here is the plan:

  1. Attempt to establish communication with your assigned brigade buddy. Please give your assigned buddy until 2/5/11 to respond. With the weather conditions, your buddy could be holed up in the midst of an ice storm without any electricity or means to communicate at the present time.
  2. If you have not received a response from your buddy by 2/5/11, then please report back to the command by commenting on this post.
    1. Your report should contain your twitter ID and that you have been unable to establish contact with your buddy and are looking for reassignment.
    2. Do Not mention the current assigned buddy ID as this information needs to be kept secure.
  3. If you have established contact with your buddy, but no one has contacted you, then please report back to the command by commenting on this post.
    1. Your report should contain your twitter ID and that you have not been contacted.

Thank you once again for being Zombie Survival Crew Loyalists – we will establish a strong chain. Remember – report back on 2/5/11if you have not been contacted, or have been unable to contact your Brigade Buddy. Thank YOU!!