Welcome to First Lieutenant James Gonzaba
Priority Status: High
Our latest Command mission to assess the battle-readiness of Dallas, Texas has brought another experienced zombie slayer into the command structure.
Zombie Survival Crew Command is delighted to welcome our latest First Lieutenant:
James Gonzaba
Priority Status: High
Our latest Command mission to assess the battle-readiness of Dallas, Texas has brought another experienced zombie slayer into the command structure.
Zombie Survival Crew Command is delighted to welcome our latest First Lieutenant:
James Gonzaba
Some ZSC members may not immediately recognize this vato –who was decked out on The Walking Dead with bandanas, baseball bats and pistols to battle walkers. The fact that James participated in the on-screen beat down of Blue Brigade Commander Norman “Daryl Dixon” Reedus? Command has decided to let that slide.
Check out James’ exclusive message to ZSC members –and raise your weapons for a new command member!
Woot! Welcome aboard, James! Glad to have you.
You might want to stay low around Daryl for a while though. Just sayin.
That’s really solid advice!
Welcome to the crew! Very happy to have ya join us!!
Welcome to the ZSC! We’re lucky to have you!
We really are!!
He’s a real zombie slayer!
Welcome aboard James!! You’ve already got my vote for First Lieutenant for having survived the weekend with our fearless leader and the Amazonian sword slayer. You have proven your metal. Surviving that feat means you can take on an entire horde of zombies without batting an eye.
Hee hee….
I don’t even know where to start with that …but you’re right! If he survived a weekend with me, he can survive anything!!
*salutes with crossbow*
I’m just gonna let that go, J…just sayin’. 😛