Mission Report – 2011-06-19
- UGA attempted to detain commander Norman Reedus from joining the crew in Philly, but he used evasive measures. #zombiesurvivalcrew #
- Commander Reedus has safely arrived at the muster point. #zombiesurvivalcrew #
- Check #zombiesurvivalcrew 6 pm operation at Philly comicon, booth 220 #
- We sent @kgor3693 on a critical stealth mission. We were concerned for his safety. #zombiesurvivalcrew #
- After an attempt to have @kgor3693 abort his mission, he persevered and completed the mission successfully. #zombiesurvivalcrew #
- ZSC under attack by zombie hulk. Rally troops. Raise arms. #zombiesurvivalcrew #
- We’re under zombie attack in Philly #zombiesurvivalcrew #
- Our fearless, @jterzieff under attack http://ow.ly/i/d9zk #zombiesurvivalcrew #
- The Zombie Survival Crew Daily is out! http://bit.ly/hnHLh4 ▸ Top stories today via @ziggykinsella @lloydkaufman @sickafyedfilms #
- Tonight’s mission in Philly… Infiltrate a known zombie fortress for intel gathering purposes. Dangerous? #zombiesurvivalcrew #
- At the briefing session, several attempts were made by outside forces
to jeopardize the mission. #zombiesurvivalcrew # - The temporary Command center may have been compromised. However, communications remained secure. #zombiesurvivalcrew #
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