Volunteers Needed
Mission Level: Medium-High

Hey you. Yes, you in the back trying to hide behind the weapons rack… we need your help!

A couple months ago, JL Coburn (SAPPED) assisted the Oracle in creating a map of resupply stations within the United States. While having identified our meeting locations is great, we must secure additional information to build these locations into the appropriate resupply stations that can save our collective backsides once the Zombiepocalypse kicks off. This is where you, the Zombie Survival Crew loyalists, come in.

ZSC Command is officially calling for volunteers to staff this two-part mission, codename: RESUPPLY. Portion one (I) is to scout locations for information; the second part (II) is to actually man the supply centers when disaster strikes.


There are twenty-three resupply stations currently mapped out, divided into six sectors within the US. We need folks from each city or a neighboring city to scout out a few things. ::cue Mission Impossible music::

  1. A large, secure area to act as a meeting zone.
  2. Shopping centers, grocery stores, hardware stores, pharmacies, etc… around the meeting zone the ZSC can use to gather supplies.
  3. Three to four routes to the meeting zone from each direction (north, east, south, west)
  4. For the Phase II cities (marked below), we need a large building capable of housing supplies for 100+ people and is easy to secure against attack.

Email all intel to Command [at] zombiesurvivalcrew [dot] com with the headline “Resupply Station [city name]”. If you wish to include photos of the locations, please do. It will provide vital information to ensure we know what we’re dealing with. Multiple scouts in a city are welcome. The more information accumulated the better for solidifying our official Escape Route plans.


We will also need volunteers to coordinate and run the resupply stations in each of the cities below. If you wish to assist, leave a comment below telling us which city you’d like to volunteer in.

Resupply Stations:

North West Group (Yellow)
      1A. Pocatello, ID (Phase II site)
      1B. Lakeview, OR
      1C. Yakima, WA
      1D. Helena, MT

South West Group (Purple)
      2A. Madera, CA (Phase II site)
      2B. St. George, UT
      2C. Phoenix, AZ
      2D. Anaheim, CA

North Central Group (Red)
      3A. Duluth, MN (Phase II site)
      3B. Waterloo, IA
      3C. Alliance, NE
      3D. Bismarck, ND

South Central Group (Aqua)
      4A. Midland, TX (Phase II site)
      4B. Liberal, KS
      4C. Springfield, MO
      4D. Monroe, LA
      4E. San Antonio, TX

North East Group (Blue)
      5A. Burlington, VT (Phase II site)
      5B. Wilmington, DE
      5C. Cleveland, OH

South East Group (Green)
      6A. Atlanta, GA (Phase II site)
      6B. Berea, KY
      6C. Kissimmee, FL

To read more on all resupply stations, please go to our (for members only) Key Links under the Escape Routes/Resupply Stations section

Mission: Volunteers Needed

RESUPPLY Volunteers Needed
Mission Level: Medium-High

Zombie Survival Crew command has been working on the appropriate strategy for mobilizing the crew in the event of a Zombiepocalypse or other global cataclysmic event. Honorable Brigadier, JL Coburn (SAPPED), has amassed a great amount of data and provided it to the Oracle for her to sift through to come up with the best plan.

We’re now looking for volunteers to help take this to the next level. In order for you to see how you can help Mission: RESUPPLY, you must be registered for this site and logged in.