Commander Monday: Jinxie G
Yellow Brigade, meet your commander Jinxie G! Amazon queen, creator and destroyer of worlds, earth mother and certified zombie slayer, Jinxie is not one to be taken lightly, or trifled with. She writes, she reads, she draws and has been known to paint. But most importantly, she is in the spotlight this week for Commander Monday. She’s also nocturnal, so we’ll give her a break and turn off the light for a moment.
Ferocious, loyal, kind-hearted and determined, Jinxie is tall in stature, sharp as a double-bladed machete and not one to be trifled with. She wields a longbow with all the skill of an Amazon warrior, and when she’s done saving the world from the shambling hordes of the undead, she will sit us all down and show that she can cook like the Italian master chef that the she is.
N.L. “Jinxie” Gervasio wears many hats. Founder of Just Ink Press, freelance ghostwriter, editor and writer at the e-magazine titled Forever Nocturne. Love vampires, werewolves, and all things dark and supernatural? Jinxie has just the thing for you. Check out Jinxie’s World for a fantastic place that alternates comfortably between the worlds of reality and dreams. Browse the recipes on her blog to experience extreme salivation, check out current and past writing projects, see what she’s editing and more!
Jinxie spends most of her time writing, editing, editing, writing, editing and sometimes eating or sleeping. Browse her works available on, stop by her website or hop over to say hello on Facebook. If you can get her to stop editing for a moment she might even say hello.
If you’re just joining us for this series, please be sure to check out our previous Commander Monday reports!