Rocco Gives ZSC a Shout

I recently had the opportunity to conduct a joint mission with Orange Brigade First Lieutenant David Della Rocco. And while he is definitely in possession of a wicked sense of humor, it is the intensity he possesses for completing the task at hand that leaves the most lasting impression.

When the chips are down and the zombies swarming, there’s no doubt David will be found on the front line urging Zombie Survival Crew troops through battle.

As we all make our preparations for the onset of a cataclysmic event David’s left a message for the ZSC faithful.





PSA on Trust

Some of you might have noticed that Commander Murphy has been a little quieter than usual lately. In the below video, you’ll see why that is. We kept her missing status quiet because we didn’t want the UGA to hear any rumblings in case they weren’t behind her disappearance. She will brief you on her full experience at a later time, but for now, please listen to her words of advice.


A special thanks to Commander Murphy for bravely sharing what happens when you trust the wrong informant. We love you, RC.

Be safe, guys.

Orange Brigade Traits

Wondering how a brigade of ZSC members wearing bright orange shirts can become virtual ghosts? What motivates them to keep going when the undead are on their heels? And what exactly goes in their go bags?

Login to the site, or take the chance to sign up, and the secrets of the Orange Brigade and their commander R.C. Murphy will be revealed.

Do note, if any of this information is handed over to the UGA, we will be coming for you. ::R.C. taps her sword against her boot:: We clear?