Mascot or Meal?!? You decide …
After some rather amusing Twitter shenanigans and some soul searching inside the ZSC Command Center we have decided to take the following out to the broader Zombie Survival Crew brigades for a vote.
It was suggested by “someone” that we make @Squirrel_TWD an official (not THE official, but AN official) #zombiesurvivalcrew mascot, despite the squirrel’s very public – and often nasty – blood feud with the Dixon brothers from The Walking Dead.
We were assured by a Command Center discussion that the following Tweet had nothing to do with putting our furry little friend up for vote!
Wonder how long it it’ll take to chew through a wire on a crossbow. 2:55 AM Dec 23rd via web
But, that this Tweet definitely did have something to do with the voting process!
Hey @jterzieff @thezsc Also throwing it out there: I can outrun, jump, and drink everyone else. #justsaying #Zombiesurvivalcrew 2:28 AM Dec 24th via web
So Zombie Survival Crew brigades, let us know what you think!
Vote yes, if you support @Squirrel_TWD as an official mascot; vote no, if you don’t! If you have an alternative suggestion for ZSC mascots, put them up in the comments section of this post.
We’ll keep voting open until Friday, December 31, 2010.
Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.