Ted Raimi
From deadite to zombie slayer, the ZSC is bringing actor Ted Raimi full circle in the life of the undead. Backed with an impressive array of roles in the horror/sci fi genre, we knew right away that Ted would fit into Command perfectly.
And, really, could you think of anyone better to track the undead than someone that’s played one? We think not. Ted’s expertise in the matter will prove indispensable for future Zombie Survival Crew missions as we prepare for the Zombiepocalypse. Based out of Los Angeles, Ted will aid us in locating possible hot spots for zombie activity.
Weapon of Choice: Smith and Wesson 357 38 caliber revolver, and an electric cattle prod with rechargeable backpack battery for back up
Where to find Ted around the web: (Click on the pictures)
Proud Member of the Lt Blue Brigade