Sarah Quattrocci

It isn’t difficult to locate Sarah in a crowd. Look for a large group of people hunched over and laughing hysterically. Or keep an eye out for the infamous Red Sparkly Hat. Sarah came to the aid of our Commander-in-chief, Juliette, when she needed assistance braving the masses at conventions all over the country. What Juliette really got in Sarah was a great assistant and trusted Sergeant at Arms, who is always ready with a quick quip. She is also personally responsible, as Keeper of the Duct Tape, for ensuring that our fearless leader does not run in too many sleep-deprived circles during events. That is, if Sarah’s awful, and we mean awful, travel luck doesn’t keep her trapped in an airport for twelve hours…

When Sarah isn’t manning the front lines for the Zombie Survival Crew, she donates her time to the Three Day Stampede, a massive grass roots fundraiser for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, held in Vermont every July.

Weapon of Choice: Softball bat



Three Day Stampede for
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

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