A New Line for Special Forces commander Rooker

We’ve unveiled a lot of surprises here at Zombie Survival Crew moving into our third year and …we’re not done yet!


merle_knife_3colorZSC Command is very excited to unveil the new Rooker line of gear in honor of our Special Forces commander extraordinaire, the one and only Michael Rooker! There are several new t-shirt designs to choose from and if you’re ready to join the Rooker Army, there’s even a set of official ZSC dog tags!


All of the new gear is up for pre-order, with orders beginning to ship on March 1. You can find the Rooker line gear here: http://zombiesurvivalcrew.com/merchandise/


And in case you missed our earlier reveals here’s a recap of what else is newly available on the site:


MerchPage8Check out the ZSC Reedus line. Inspired by the work of Blue Brigade commander Norman Reedus, a portion of sales of all Reedus line gear is going to development and disaster response charities (primarily Oxfam and Doctors Without Borders, unless there is an immediate disaster response need unfolding when we make our quarterly contributions).



IronEBookThumbCheck out Blindsided by the Walking Dead, Green Brigade Commander IronE Singleton’s autobiography. This harrowing tale of struggle and survival takes you from the street corners of one of Atlanta’s worst public housing projects to alleyways filled with zombies from The Walking Dead. IronE’s autobiography was co-written by our Commander-in-Chief Juliette Terzieff.


All of the new products and Zombie Survival Crew standards can be found here: http://zombiesurvivalcrew.com/merchandise/