Tasty Survival: Curry Butternut Squash Soup
<img class="alignleft wp-image-6547" src="http://zombiesurvivalcrew.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/butternut-squash-soup-pic1.jpg" Being stuck in a world infected by the undead doesn’t mean you have to eat boring foods. Sneak some favorite spices into your go bag on your way to your nearest escape route and fight dull taste buds along with zombies.

Sure, the Zombiepocalypse has started. Supplies are running low. However, if you’re like me, you’ll find a way to feed yourself and those around you with just a few simple ingredients.
This recipe can be altered to cook over a fire. Note: if you are not using bottled water to cook with, boil the water necessary (plus extra for evaporation) before adding any ingredients.
Prep time: However long it takes
Cook time: See above
Servings: 6-8
What you need:
Large pot
Blender (hand blender or potato masher)
1 large butternut squash – peeled, gutted, and chopped into inch-size chunks
1 medium-sized onion – rough chop
2 cloves garlic – minced
1 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp thyme
2 tsp yellow curry powder
1 tsp brown sugar
4 cups water (use chicken broth or vegetable broth for extra flavor)
Salt and pepper – to taste
1 cup milk (any milk you have, even non-dairy like coconut milk)
How you make it:
Heat the olive oil in large pot over medium heat and add onions. Sautee until the onions begin to turn translucent.
Add the garlic. Sautee for another minute.
Add the squash, thyme, curry powder, and brown sugar.
Cook until the squash begins to turn soft, stirring occasionally.
Add the water (or your liquid of choice) and bring to a boil.
Allow the soup to simmer until the squash is soft enough to squish with the back of your spoon.
Take the pot off the heat. If you use a hand blender or potato masher, squish the squash until everything is smooth. (Note: with the potato masher, the onions will remain whole).
If you use a regular blender, pour a portion of the sup mixture into the blender. Remove the plastic vent-thingy on the lid and cover the hole with a paper towel before blending. Otherwise the heat will build up and you’ll end up wearing dinner. Continue blending batches of the soup until it is all done and return to the pot.
Add the milk. Use enough to thin the soup without making it watery.
Season with salt and pepper until you like how it tastes.
May be garnished with sour cream when served.
If you prefer spicy soups, add a dash of cayenne pepper with the water before boiling. Careful, a little goes a long way.
Being stuck in a world infected by the undead doesn’t mean you have to eat boring foods. Sneak some favorite spices into your go bag on your way to your nearest escape route and fight dull taste buds along with zombies.