Show Your Pride
If you’ve been searching for a way to show your support for the Zombie Survival Crew, look no further. This week–with help from Sergeant at Arms Lora–we’ve released a Twibbon for everyone to use.
From behind the zombie bunny cages of Commander RC Murphy
If you’ve been searching for a way to show your support for the Zombie Survival Crew, look no further. This week–with help from Sergeant at Arms Lora–we’ve released a Twibbon for everyone to use.
How do you use it? Simple! Click on the ZSC Twibbon link and hit “Show my support now!”. It’ll take you to a Twitter and/or Facebook screen asking to allow Twibbon access. Once you confirm, the site will attach the ZSC logo to your avatar. Then everyone will know you’re a proud member of the ZSC.
Go forth, show your Zombie Survival Crew pride on social media. *twirls sword* We’re glad to have you all on our side when the Zombiepocalypse happens.