In the News: It’s an Undead Christmas

Top Story

Boy Scout delivers 800 toys to young tornado victims (via Pontiac Daily Leader)

There will be plenty of toys for tornado victims this Christmas thanks to the efforts of Boy Scout Joshua Henderson, 14, of Lincoln.

Henderson decided to help the child victims of the tornado by gathering 800 toys and transporting them 274 miles south to Harrisburg. The project will help him earn the rank of Eagle Scout, a goal he set for himself long ago.


The Undead

Kieran Strange Wishes Everyone A Merry Undead Christmas! (via Cashbox Canada)

With the highly scrutinized end of the Mayan calendar (December 21st, 2012) fast approaching and referred to humorously as the upcoming “zombie apocalypse” by young adults and teenagers worldwide, UK born and Vancouver based pop-rock artist, Kieran Strange has released “Merry Undead Christmas” a single and music video combo that is sure to deliver a few laughs this holiday season.

“I read a story where a gentleman actually spent his life savings building a huge ark to escape the Mayan end of the world,” said Strange. “There’s so much serious face when it comes to this subject, I couldn’t help doing something satirical.”

Five New ‘WARM BODIES’ Posters Provide Undead Puns (via I am Rogue)

Five fresh new character posters promoting Warm Bodies are making the rounds online thanks to Summit Entertainment today.

The posters feature Nicholas HoultTeresa Palmer, and Rob Corddryas characters living and undead, but more importantly, each contains a prominently placed pun, so this series of posters is also a pun run.

Disaster Preparedness

Local Police speak about disaster preparation (via

Emergency preparedness symposium focuses on exchange of ideas (via The Anniston Star)