Calling Authors and Artists ~ New ZSC Feature
Our guest post by Heather McCorkle proved to be such a success, that the command has decided to make it a regular feature. Soooo, got any Zombie shorts or artwork or educational articles laying around and think you’d like to share? We’d love to take a gander.
Our guest post by Heather McCorkle proved to be such a success, that the command has decided to make it a regular feature. We have a lot of talented folks within the ranks of the Zombie Survival CrewTM and we want YOU to have a chance to show off your talents/knowledge. Soooo, got any Zombie shorts or artwork or educational articles laying around and think you’d like to share? We’d love to take a gander.
To submit your brainchild and share your work, send it to
All submissions will be carefully reviewed and responded to, and revisions may be requested.
And this is where I get to rattle off all of the small print stuff like: submitting your work to the Zombie Survival CrewTM provides tacit consent for the Zombie Survival CrewTM to publish and promote your work as a part of the Zombie Survival CrewTM site. No payment will be given to any person for their submission and no payment will be accepted by the Zombie Survival CrewTM to publish any individual’s work. The Zombie Survival CrewTM will not be held liable for any copyright infringements should the work submitted not be the express original work of the submitter, but the infringement will be born by the submitter. By submitting your work to the Zombie Survival CrewTM you agree that you are the owner of the copyright to the material. And if for any reason you have lied to us about the copyright ownership, the Zombie Survival CrewTM reserves the right to send a horde of zombies to your doorstep to give you your just desserts.
Woot! And hahaha that’s a TOS for submissions that I can get behind! Nice!
Awesome! will have to work on zombie related art…hmmmmm crossbow and blood and dixons… oh wait, that would be copyright infringement 😛 LOL Sounds awesome!! hope lots of people send you stuff!
Sup guys! Had a great time tonight in #horrorchat13. Just wanted to swing by & say hi!
Zombie related art, you say? I aim to please. 🙂
Talk to you soon!
Thanks for stopping by Dustin. And we look forward to your submissions. 🙂
[…] So how do you become an official member of the Zombie Survival Crew? Our registration page is easy, straight forward, and FREE. Once you’ve signed up and confirmed via email, you will be randomly slated into one of our Brigades. Each brigade has a commander and a certain set of skills they are to master in order to help the ZSC as a whole continue to move forward with our efforts. From there on out, how much you want to participate is purely up to you. If you wish to sit back and absorb information posted by the command team, go for it. Feel like you have something to say? We encourage members post their thoughts on the articles posted. Or, if you are an artist, writer, or filmmaker, we’d like for you to contribute articles, stories, art, or videos. […]
As a professional artist I have to say your “fine print” is way lopsided in your favor, too open-ended, and while I’m assuming you all are honest folk due to whom suggested this site to me, you have a wide open door to “publish”. Why, where, and how?
Sorry, no. I cannot get behind this. For artist’s sake.
Dave ~ the submissions would be published on this site as it says, to answer the where. The how would be as a part of a blog post showcasing the submitted work. And the why is that some of our members have expressed that they would like to share some of their creative work/articles with the crew. We’d like to offer the facility for them to do so via the site. The fine print is primarily to establish that if you submit your work to us, you agree that it can be posted on the site, and stating up front that there is no compensation being paid or received, and the submitter is responsible for ensuring there is no copyright infringement on the work.
For anything else that we may publish, such as the anthology we put out earlier in the year, we have contracts that are signed protecting rights on both sides.
Me and a bunch of my friends are getting together to create a series of zombie shows! We’re gonna post them on YouTube and now that I saw this, I’m excited to send them in! Filming doesn’t start till February though, right now we’re fundraising!
WE look forward to see your creations. ::salutes::