Lt Blue Brigade Go Bag Essentials
Each Zombie Survival Crew brigade has specific items crew members should stock in their Go Bag so that when a geographical area goes into alert status and crew members meet at assigned gathering points there is a base supply of essential items. In addition to assigned gear, every individual should also add any items they want or need to have at the ready in the event of an emergency.
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Love it I have all those items ready to go lol!
Dogs. When I read that I knew it was meant to be.
Just got assigned my Brigade. Not gona lie I am pretty stoked about it! Now time to get my bag ready to go.
Perfect – just assigned and reporting for duty – must protect the dogs!
i like that we’re the advance attack team!!! go us!!
Amazing! I knew my talents and this ZSC love connection were meant to be! Bring it on Zombie ass munchers!!
OMG I forgot Duct Tape!!! I am 99% ready with my go bag!!! SQUEEEEEEEEE
Packed and ready to roll out!