Fast Company Article on Michael Rooker
Our captain of the Special Forces, Michael Rooker, stands out in a crowd and on the screen because he puts his all into what he does… whether it be acting, or interacting with crew members and fans alike, or giving shout outs to the crew.
Link: Michael Rooker Bringing Walking Dead’s Merle Dixon to Life
Our captain of the Special Forces, Michael Rooker, stands out in a crowd and on the screen because he puts his all into what he does… whether it be acting, or interacting with crew members and fans alike, or giving shout outs to the crew. And we’re not the only ones who have noticed what a great guy Michael is.
Here’s what Fast Company had to say about Michael:
Michael Rooker only needed a handful of scenes to turn Merle Dixon into a fanboy favorite. But it was his real-world commitment to bringing the character to life that gave the AMC series its watercooler buzz.
And thanks to Fast Company for recognizing the ZSC efforts in the #MoMerle campaign.
Link: Michael Rooker Bringing Walking Dead’s Merle Dixon to Life