Review: An Ode
This week’s episode was . . . wow, intense. So much so, we’re going to do things a tad differently this week. We’ll do a quick run-through of a couple things, but of course there is one major event we need to discuss. At length. Possibly with stick figure diagrams. Okay, kidding about the last part, but it is something we can’t gloss over at all.

Review of “The Walking Dead” 315 – “The Sorrowful Life”
This week’s episode was . . . wow, intense. So much so, we’re going to do things a tad differently this week. We’ll do a quick run-through of a couple things, but of course there is one major event we need to discuss. At length. Possibly with stick figure diagrams. Okay, kidding about the last part, but it is something we can’t gloss over at all.
***Warning, this review is full of spoilers. Do not read past this part if you haven’t watched episode 315 of “The Walking Dead” yet.***
Where to start? Things at the prison are far from okay. Rick’s marbles are still scattered across the floor. Daryl is torn between being Rick’s right hand man and living up to the expectations of his brother. Carol is dealing some hard-hitting truths about Mere’s place in their sanctuary-slash-death trap. Hershel is having a serious conflict of faith and doing what needs to be done in order to ensure the safety of his two daughters. Oh, and Glenn is getting all romantical with Maggie (which proves to be the only moment in the episode where fans can take a breath and feel a split second of normalcy during the hour of emotional torture).
On with the “holy hell” portion of the show–Merle.
Merle was a character who, by some weird mixture of piss, vinegar, and the incredible talent of the man portraying him–Michael Rooker–managed to win the hearts of Walking Dead fans from the get-go. The redneck from hell spit every racial slur he could think of (and say on basic cable). Kicked the tar out of a lot of the characters we were supposed to find sympathetic. Admitted to heavy drug use. Cut. Off. His. Own. Hand. And everyone wanted him back for more. When we did get him back for one episode during season two of the show, fans were in an uproar because Merle was just a figment of his brother Daryl’s imagination. What a figment he was. We got to see the real backbone of the relationship between the brothers, how Merle loved to antagonize Daryl when he’d already been kicked down about as low as a person can go in just one day.
Producers for The Walking Dead took full advantage of the massive amount of fan love and brought the real Merle back for season three. He quickly became the perfect antagonistic balance between the Governor and Rick, going to the extremes neither men could handle emotionally. This isn’t because Merle was devoid of emotion, oh no. Merle had simply learned to navigate around what he was feeling. In the past, he relied heavily on drugs to keep himself blanketed and numb from the nagging feelings tearing him apart. We caught a glimpse at the lengths he’d go to lean on the drugs like a crutch again in this episode when he rips apart nearly every single mattress in one of the abandoned cell blocks inside the prison. Merle’s secondary method to block out the emotions he can’t cope with is to chase the jobs in Woodbury none of the others could handle emotionally. After the Governor cleaned him up, got him sober, he relied on violence to get his high. The deaths he caused left a darkness in his eyes, a shadow hanging over everything he did. And when the adrenaline crash came after, he’d get antsy and start looking for ways to get his next fix. Merle racked up sixteen (well, closer to twenty now) human deaths in the roughly year-long span since Rick handcuffed him to the roof of the department store in Atlanta.
Did being buddy-buddy with Death change Merle? You bet your Aunt Fanny it did.
However, it did not change him in the way it would most men. Merle was always painfully aware of what he was doing. He just couldn’t stop himself. In this episode he told Rick he didn’t know why he does the nasty, cruel things he does. Truth is, he lied. Merle suffers his personal issues without needing anyone to coddle him and tell him it is okay to hurt, to be afraid, to need someone to keep his feet on the ground when he wants to soar above it all in a meth haze. He doesn’t want to be a burden anymore. Even after the vocal distrust coming from everyone in the prison, Merle still took up arms to protect its occupants on more than one occasion. He wanted to pull his weight, or what little the others would allow him to do while keeping him under close scrutiny. Instead of getting pissed off, he played into it. It didn’t matter if they hated him, so long as he felt he was doing what needed to be done, when it needed to be done. Which is why when the time came, Merle took it upon himself to take Michonne and make the deal with the Governor.
Or did he?
One has to stop and think if Merle meant to go through with the plan to turn Michonne over, or if he’d determined in advance to go it alone and make the ultimate sacrifice. With as complicated as the man was, we’ll never know for sure. One thing can be said, though; both Woodbury and the prison are missing one vital helping hand in the fight to survive. The Walking Dead will never be the same. Not with the lingering impact from Michael Rooker’s stellar performance.
If Merle had survived, would he have eventually fit into the group at the prison? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
If Merle had survived, I think he would have eventually fit into the group at the prison, at least I had hoped he would have. They brought him back and then took him out, not cool. 🙁
But you have to admit, they used him well and he made a heck of an impact on every single one of the main characters, even if they don’t discuss it openly.
Nicely done, Renee! This was the best and worst episode to date. I loved it and hated it. Nobody will ever be able to convince me that Merle wasn’t taken away too soon. *shakes fist at AMC*
Thanks. It was a seriously painful episode to watch, and I like to think I’m pretty numb to just about anything AMC can throw our way.
NOTE: a lot of spoilers of Season 3! I think the Walking Dead is starting to slowly unravel into a horrible show. The last couple of episodes were boring IMO. After they came back in Feb. they had a couple good episodes with the rescue of Daryl and Merle and Daryl temporarily leaving with Merle only to come back in time to help with the battle at the prison. Then things started to die down. Andrea visiting the prison, Rick, Michonne, and Carl going back an finding Morgan, Everyone preparing for war. Then they had Merle planning at first to give Michonne to the governor and later letting her go and went to attack the gov. and his men. Then Merle died. I think they could’ve expanded this character so much more, eventually becoming a welcome member of the group and caring for the group as well as Daryl. I was extremely pissed that he was killed off. Then, the season 3 finale was a let down in my opinion. Including enough footage of the governor, his men, as well as Rick and his group firing weapons long enough to fit in the trailer to excite the fans. We got almost an hour of Andrea screwing around with pliers and talking to Milton, a little of action with The Gov. and his group storming the prison, Carl shooting one of the govs men, Carl dissing Rick (which I LOVED), the Governor killing most of his soldiers, and the addition of 3 group members along with Andrea dying. Her death seemed like complete bullcrap seeing as how she took off 3 zombies a couple episodes earlier in her attempt to get to the prison. Now They have a bunch of what I’m sure will be complete zombie/bullet fodder. The Finale should’ve had more action in it! It’s the one telling the viewers “This is why you should watch season 4 this fall!”
Season three suffered the same plotting problems the first half of season two did–they took too long to reach a conclusion we already knew would happen. There was no way they’d kill off the entire prison group. Likewise, Phillip is too good of a bad guy (or had been until he hit stereotypical sociopath land) to just kill off without any fireworks. They killed Andrea too early and didn’t really do her justice, even with her determination to neutralize herself in those last moments. There was not one thing that made me sit up and wonder, How long will it take for October to be here already?
Truth be told, no he would have never fit in. Even at Woodbury he was the outcast. He relied on himself to much.
Sad, but true. Still wish there had been a way to keep him around.