Walking Dead TV Interview with Michael Rooker

The new head of our Special Forces, Michael Rooker, no sooner signed on with the Zombie Survival Crew than he was giving the ZSC shout outs in interviews. You have to love that in your head of Special Forces. Anyway, here’s what The Walking Dead TV Podcast has to say:

On this very special episode of The Walking Dead TV Podcast, your hosts get to chat with Merle Dixon himself, Mr. Michael Rooker! Brad, Jordan and John touch on a plethora of subjects with Michael, including his role on The Walking Dead, lost hands, Atlanta heat and Dancing with the Stars.

All this and we still find the time to give away another blu-ray.

You don’t want to miss this one.

Special thanks to The Zombie Survival Crew.

Link: The Walking Dead TV Podcast

Sean Patrick Flanery Takes (another) Bite Out of the Chief

After a semi-hostile takeover bid, and nearly being run down, you would think your Zombie Survival Crew Commander-in-Chief would know better than to ask Yellow Brigade First Lieutenant Sean Patrick Flanery for battle technique sessions.

Well, he is an expert in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu so it should hardly be any surprise that this PSA from Sean almost knocked me down.