Leadership of the Red Brigade
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I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but things have been a little hectic around command lately. What with commander RC Murphy being tracked on her recent mission to Dallas, or her recent discovery of the potential Ground Zero for the Zombiepocalypse, and the continual movement of our fearless leader, Juliette Terzieff, as she is traveling around the United States interviewing new recruits and bringing on board new commanders… not to mention her recent encounter with Texas State Law enforcement.. and those are just the tip of the ice berg. Commander Jinxie G has been on the run for months, and has only recently been able to re-establish more regular communications with command. With commanders Norman Reedus, IronE Singleton, and Anthony Guajardo on special missions for the command, that has left the command center a little sparse, and hellaciously busy as we try to capture the various reports flooding into command center so we can make sense of them.
BUT we have also been working on compiling information necessary for the brigades. We are shoring up our security, tightening our defenses against attack, and want to start cluing you, the Zombie Survival Crew faithful, in on some of the more classified information. So command has made a decision to use Monday’s to provide the necessary classified information to the the crew. If you have not registered as a member of the site, you will not have access to the information, which means, come the Zombiepocalypse you will be without vital information necessary for your survival (hint hint).
You can find the registration link in the sidebar toward the top. Also, if you are not logged in you will not be able to see the classified reports. The login link is also in the sidebar toward the top of the page.We’re going to kick Members Only Monday off with information about the Red Brigade. What YOU need to know about being a member of the Red Brigade. What makes them tick, what should be in your Go Bag, essentials for survival. To check out the Red Brigade, make sure you’re registered and logged in, and then click the link. Find out why your fearless leader spends a great deal of time running in circles screaming her head off. There is actually a method to the seeming madness.
And while you’re headed over to our newly established Brigade Central, you might want to take a look at how crew members are showing their loyalty by checking out how the Brigades Represent.
Now I have to get back to collating some of the data that is coming in. Remember, constant vigilance is essential.
~ The Oracle
As you know, our fearless leader, Juliette, has been on the move of late. She’s been trying to stay one step ahead of the UGA, so they can’t slow down the progress of the Zombie Survival CrewTM. Covering ground as she zigzags across the United States, searching for new recruits for the crew, our leader is traveling stocked with ZSC gear and that stock is depleting with each mile.
Then a curious thing happened on Twitter. We sussed out a hashtag of #RedBrigade, where loyalist @Infernal_Racket was showing her brigade pride by posting pictures of herself wearing Zombie Survival CrewTM gear. What fabulous representation of our crew!!! So, we decided we should give EVERY crew member a chance to show how they represent….
Under our newly established Brigade Central, where soon you will find brigade specific information, you’ll see a sub-menu of Brigades Represent and a section for each of the Brigades to house YOU showing your brigade pride. So get your ZSC gear, have pictures taken of you in it, and send it to command [at ] zombiesurvivalcrew ( dot ) com along with a statement that you are giving us permission to post it or post it on Twitter under the #zombiesurvivalcrew hash, and state your brigade with pride. (Oh and if you come to a convention to see us, the boss lady may just take a snap or two… #justsayin) Which brigade will be the best at showing their Zombie Survival CrewTM pride? That’s up to you!!
Special thanks to @Infernal_Racket for showing her pride and posting the pics.
***Crossbow Salute***