In the News: Oh. My. Gawd.
What’s in the news this week? Well, your Commanders have been quite busy, so we’ll give you the rundown…

What’s in the news this week? Well, your Commanders have been quite busy, so we’ll give you the rundown…
Orange Brigade Commander R.C. Murphy has been busy with a book release over HERE.
Yellow Brigade Commander Jinxie G has been crazy busy with homework, editing, and working on THIS.
Green Brigade Commander IronE has been all kinds of busy HERE.
Purple Brigade Commander LK (aka the Oracle) has been up to THIS.
Light Blue Brigade Commander Anthony Guajardo is doing all sorts of things HERE.
Blue Brigade Commander Norman Reedus has been kicking a$$ and killing zombies on THIS and working on THIS.
We’ve lost track of the Commander-in-Chief. Someone grab some duct tape and quickly find her!!!
And can we talk about The Walking Dead 310? Oh. My. Gawd. The review will be up later this week.