What does it take to survive the Zombie Apocalypse? Weapons? Combat training? A bright yellow humvee with a backup supply of fuel? An underground bomb shelter fully stocked and able to support at least twelve lucky survivors for an indefinite period of time? How about the ability to rub two sticks together and produce a flame? If you answered yes to all of these things, you’re not incorrect… but you’re missing the two most important items for your best chance at ZA survival: friends, and a go-bag. The go-bag is a separate matter entirely, so let’s focus on the other.
Friends are the difference between those who watch your back and those who might trip you to escape a sticky situation themselves. Friends are the most valuable of all your survival needs, and this week’s Commander Monday spotlight is on one of the Zombie Survival Crew’s most devoted and loyal friends, Red Brigade’s First Lieutenant Neil Brown, Jr.
Actor, martial artist and self-proclaimed “knucklehead,” Neil hails from Orlando, Florida and has studied Shotokai Karate, Jujutsu, Judo, Tae Kwan Do, Capoeira, and many more disciplines that this writer cannot pronounce. He bobs, he weaves, he dodges and roundhouse-kicks better than Chuck Norris on his best day. It is a little-known urban legend that at the age of four he roundhouse-kicked a car and walked away with little more than a few bumps and bruises.
Neil’s extensive martial arts training unexpectedly paved the road to acting when he appeared on the TV show WMAC masters at age 14. In addition to portraying Guillermo, the unlikely leader of a band of survivors in The Walking Dead, Neil has appeared in multiple television roles, including the series Harry’s Law, Suits, Castle, Borderline Coyotes, Weeds and more recently on NCIS. He also appeared in 2009’s Fast & Furious, and has also done his part to save the world from aliens in Battle: Los Angeles.
Most recently, we were thrilled to learn that Neil has been cast in Universal’s upcoming film Straight Outta Compton. This much-anticipated biopic, produced by Ice Cube and Dr. Dre, chronicles the rise of the hip-hop group N.W.A. Neil will be appearing as DJ Yella alongside Aldis Hodge, O’Shea Jackson Jr., Corey Hawkins and Jason Mitchell. Filming for Straight Outta Compton has begun with an anticipated release date in 2015.
Between acting and roundhouse-kicking, Neil devotes time to the things that matter the most – family and friends. He can also be found making appearances on the comic-convention circuit. Don’t forget to stop by his website to see what’s happening!
If you are just joining us for this series, please check out our previous Commander Monday reports!
Born in Lake Charles, Louisiana and raised in Sugar Land, Texas, Flanery began training in various forms of martial arts at a young age, taking part in his first full-contact kickboxing match at the age of 12. He continued his training while attending the University of Saint Thomas in Houston, but then one fateful day he followed a girl to a drama class and was immediately bitten by the acting bug. Later he moved to Los Angeles and waited tables for a living, before long appearing in television commercials and quickly making the transition to TV roles and onto movies.
Commander Flanery has an impressive filmography, and remains today one of the hardest-working actors in the business. He has appeared in in several episodes of HBO’s hit series Dexter, currently airing its eighth and final season. He has also co-starred in The Devil’s Carnival,now available on Netflix and Hulu, the TV series Blackout, films The Last Word,and Broken Horses. Keep an eye out for The Kiss, currently in production.
When not working on various projects, including film, television and music videos, Flanery can be found training and teaching the finer points of BJJ to his fellow Los Angelians – check out Hollywood Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu. He is also a regular guest at comic conventions all over the country. He often enjoys reaching out to fans via online bloggingand social networking, and also spending quality time with Donut – his most loyal friend, sidekick and quite possibly the coolest canine on the planet. Despite an ongoing struggle with a powerful Reese’s addiction, Flanery is without a doubt the most suited for the daunting task of leadership, and defending our western shores if and when it all starts to hit the fan.
Oracle: “Frenzied women from whose lips the god speaks” – Walter Burkert
Logistical expert, webmistress, guru of all things technical and little flashy pointing thingies on the ZSC website, the omniscient Oracle sees all, hears all and knows all. Once an innocent writer of young adult novels, LK Gardner-Griffie’s role in the upcoming apocalypse is perhaps the most crucial of all. Without her wisdom, infinite knowledge and uncanny ability to translate the often-garbled incoming transmissions from other commanders, we would surely be lost in a maze of utter confusion and mayhem. While only those higher up the chain of command and several very privileged others have actually seen the Oracle with their own eyes, many of us have caught glimpses of her in various social networking locations, and some have even received the occasional top secret memo that changes the course of one’s destiny…
LK Gardner-Griffie is an award-winning writer, blogger and mom to four-legged children. She hails from the West coast, is often infected with wanderlust, and in another lifetime might have found herself belting out country music tunes for a living. She recently completed the first book in a new children’s chapter book series, Timmy and the Golden Lion Tamarin, which will be published through True North Publishing in the spring of 2015. Under her new management with Gandolfo Helin Literary Management, her award-winning Misfit McCabe series is on hold temporarily while she and Italia Gandolfo are engaged in strategy sessions. She has shared many articles and blog posts on her website, Griffie World and will be speaking at The Muzeo in Santa Ana, CA on November 20, 2014 for the Open Book Series. LK was recently interviewed by Gail Zahtz on BlogTalk Radio (click the link and hear the Oracle speak), and previously by Christine Fonesca, and previously chatted with Lorna Suzuki at All Kinds of Writing. She has also been included as one of the featured authors on Publish or Bust.
LK is a woman of many passions and talents, and when the two are put together to take a stand against bullying, censorship, abuse and other issues that have likely affected all of us in some way or another, the possibilities are endless. She speaks up, shouts out and challenges us all to think before we act, and do what’s right no matter what the circumstances. Most notable of her pet projects is the drive to donate books to family and/or children’s shelters. See for yourself, and take action as you will. Purple brigade, salute your commander and heed of the shining example she sets for us all.
Brains or brawn? Which would you choose? In survival situations, brawn may often win. The importance in being able to physically survive unexpected encounters with the undead can’t be understated… but neither can the ability to think and take intelligent, decisive action.
Purple Brigade’s First Lieutenant Anthony Michael Hall is one of the most recognizable faces in just about all of our favorite movies. An original member of the infamous Brat Pack in the 1980’s, Hall nailed a triple John Hughes score in Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club and Weird Science before appearing in Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands and many other films. He has taken on several television roles in addition to films, most notably the successful television adaptation of Stephen King’s The Dead Zone.
While First Lieutenant Hall has not yet been tested against the true horror of the endless shambling horde, this Boston native is surely as well-equipped as any of us to not only just survive, but to stand firm with the other Commanders and loyalists when the time comes. Working from an undisclosed location, Anthony’s movements are unpredictable and undetectable, making him an invaluable asset to the more covert operations within the ZSC. But even the most covert of operatives must eventually resurface.
Anthony Michael Hall recently appeared in Dead in Tombstone, starring alongside Danny Trejo and Micky Rourke. He has previously been spotted in the popular television series Warehouse 13, Community, and Psych, and in 2013 he was cast in MTV’s teen comedy series Awkward.
If you’re just joining us for this series, please be sure to check out our previous Commander Monday reports!
The Zombie Survival Crew command center recently received notification of a frightening new development in the struggle against the undead.
The Illinois Department of Transportation will soon be launching an awareness campaign in the form of a webseries entitled “The Driving Dead.” Details are sketchy, but we have learned our Special Forces Commander Michael Rooker is closely involved in this secretive project, and the official launch date is Monday August 25, 2014.
It goes without saying that if the worst has happened and the dead have learned how to drive, we will have to adjust our tactics considerably. But we are confident that Commander Rooker has already taken charge of the situation and will advise us of any future developments.
In the meantime, keep an eye on the website: drivingdeadseries.com and watch social media for any further alerts.
Keeper of secrets, slayer of demons, romancer of vampires, destroyer of zombies and things that go bump in the night, Orange Brigade Commander RC Murphy is as gifted with the pen as she is with the sword, and twice as deadly. An accomplished writer, blogger, student of history, musical theatre and Oreo aficionado, RC Murphy is a creature of extraordinary talent. She resides in a dungeon of red satin and lace by day, putting her talents to work in order to best prepare us, the hapless and clueless, for that fateful day when all that goes bump in the night becomes reality. By night she patrols the California coast with a sharp eye on the perimeter and an ear tuned into the undercurrents, listening, watching, and waiting for even the smallest sign that the Z-pocalypse is upon us.
Her novel Be Ours Forever is now available for purchase in multiple e-book formats as well as paperback, and some devoted readers were also lucky enough to receive a signed copy.
Light Blue Brigade, salute your Commander Anthony Guajardo! Enthusiastic, energetic and loyal, he leaps into action without hesitation, fears neither defeat nor the undead even when faced with the most overwhelming odds and never misses the opportunity to use (or misuse) sharp pointy weapons. He has a smile even more infectious than the most devastating of zombie viruses and can charm his way in and out of even the most precarious of situations.
Anthony hails from San Antonio, Texas. When he is not busy thinking up ways to save our collective behinds from the shambling hordes, he is a hard-working actor who has appeared in television commercials and live theater since the age of 5.
With high marks for his studies in Technical Theater History, Anthony got his first true taste of the business after landing a featured role in Robert Rodriguez’ film Shark Boy and Lava Girl. Through hard work, perseverance, faith and perhaps a healthy dose of sheer stubbornness, Anthony landed the role of Miguel on the AMC original series The Walking Dead, an experience that he would later describe as the best experience of his life.
Anthony recently worked with writer and director Cedric Thomas Smith in the short film The Symphony of Silence, a powerful story about teen bullying in America today. The film premiered to rave reviews in San Antonio, Texas and also premiered at the South by Southwest and Sundance Film Festivals.
Anthony is currently living in Los Angeles and has continued to train extensively through Calliope Talent under the guidance of leading filmmakers and casting directors. He also devotes time to touring the convention circuit regularly, sharing his knowledge and growing expertise in zombie survival skills.
Very recently, Anthony took part in a Top Secret mission to our Caribbean outpost alongside ZSC Special Forces leader Michael Rooker and ZSC Loyalist Steve Cardenas. With our Red Brigade Leader and Sergeant at Arms providing logistical support and security, highly classified sensitive documents that had been intercepted by undercover carrier pigeons were successfully delivered to Commanders Guajardo and Rooker. The overall mission was a complete success and several new recruits have joined our ranks, including the pigeons.
If you’re just joining us for this series, please be sure to check out our previous Commander Monday reports!
Because we believe it is important to know exactly who will be leading you forward after the dead have begun to walk the Earth, The Zombie Survival Crew will be bringing you weekly updates with vital information regarding your commanders. This information is equally important to members and prospective members, because… well… because Our Fearless Leader SAID so, and she’s never wrong. Hang around for a while, you’ll see for yourself.
This week the Commander Monday spotlight once again returns to Red Brigade Commander Juliette Terzieff.
Able to leap the counter of a Starbucks in a single bound, more powerful than the Energizer bunny on a double-shot espresso, Juliette weaves the perfect balance of sass and class, compassion and humor, gentleness and strength. Most importantly, she never leaves home without crossbow in hand, and always knows exactly where to find a roll of duct tape.
Photo by Kelley Malott
We live in a world where challenging events appear to be accelerating in frequency. From hurricanes and earthquakes, and wars and terrorist attacks, to struggling economies and elevated unemployment rates, more and more people are looking to ensure they are prepared to survive. While the real-world events and fear that they cause are tragic, this reality also represents an opportunity for individuals to get more involved in protecting what they hold most dear. –Juliette Terzieff, Dark Media Magazine 9/14/2011 A former foreign war correspondent with combat training, journalist, fiction and non-fiction writer, public speaker, and self-described “avid monster freak from birth,” Juliette is a force to be reckoned with, and there is not a single person on the planet better suited to lead us forward in the coming days. Before the formation of the Zombie Survival Crew, Juliette could be found in various locations all over the world, including war zones in the Balkan, South Asian, and Middle East regions, flexing her journalist muscle to cover complex political, globalization and human rights issues. Her website will tell you that she is a public speaker who has covered a wide range of topics from human trafficking and child labor to American politics and international relations. We’ve read her in Newsweek and the San Francisco Chronicle, heard her live on CNN International and All American Talk Radio. Juliette has authored numerous newsletters for Smartbrief on development, humanitarian aid, public health concerns and international policy; and heads up the communications team for the Future 500, headquartered out of San Fransisco and Tokyo. She has been interviewed by Alternative Revolt (page 60-62), Dark Media City and The Throw Down with JB Maddawg.
Aside from her dedication to keeping us humans off the endangered species list, Juliette works in celebrity event management with fellow ZSC leaders Michael Rooker and many more. In response to the ever-growing demand for her talents, she recently launched the ZSC Entertainment website and has made several very notable additions to the talent lineup there.
At any given time, Juliette can be found attending conventions and events, keeping those under her watchful eye safe from the shambling hordes and constantly scouting for new recruits. In her spare time she writes ZSC command memos without the use of Spellcheck, makes the impossible probable and continues the endless battle against the daily to-do list.
Zombie Survival Crew’s Special Forces Unit is the place for the strongest, toughest and most experienced battle-ready warriors of our team. You won’t always find them on the front lines, but you can count on them to be there when the situation calls for expertise and precision, or even when some good old-fashioned butt kicking is needed.
This week we introduce you to our Special Forces Unit’s most versatile and multi-talented members. This man has worn many hats – actor, wrestler, philanthropist, comic book hero and so much more – ZSC brigadiers, salute Special Forces Unit member Brimstone.
A man of many talents, Brimstone started his career at an early age with children’s television series Sesame Street and Romper Room. The New York City native had a career in music performing with bands such as Image, Who’s Laughing Now, and Bugsy. However, his interests soon led him down another path. At the age of 21 he launched a career in wrestling, finding his spot in the ring among leaders in sport entertainment nationally, internationally, and across the independent circuit.
Before long, Brimstone discovered a new passion, and stormed the comic book scene with an arsenal of creativity and talent! As co-founder, President and CEO of Hound Comics, Inc Brimstone launched his comic book series Brimstone and The Borderhounds on October 31, 2010 at Borders Books and within months the series was a worldwide success.
Deep inside the Borderlands a seemingly endless well of creative merchandise was discovered
Borderhounds has a line of branded merchandise including Eastsport Backpacks – not too shabby for creating a Go-Bag, in case you were wondering – Troll Lord Games for Brimstone RPG’s, Demeter Fragrances (Cologne/Perfume), 3 Coconut Monkey (Vinyl/Plush Toys), Dragon Song Forge (Brimstone Swords), Serenity Custom Drums and… food.
Lots of food. Spicy, hot and sweet.
Brimstone has labels under CaJohn’s Fiery Foods and The Jerky Connection, (Brimstone’s jerky is a perfect addition to any go-bag for tasty on the road rations), ButterWinks Cookies for the sweet tooth and a multi-award winning line of gourmet hot sauces and spicy seasonings.… are you hungry yet? Check out Food Hound: Tidbits for more palate-pleasers!
When Brimstone is not watching over the Barren Wastelands, brewing up a new hot sauce flavor or developing yet another brilliant plot for worldwide domination, he can be found at various conventions and events across the United States. As proof that even the toughest of tough guys can also have a heart of gold, Brimstone also volunteers his time aiding numerous charities and causes, including: RADD (Rockers Actors and Athletes Against Driving Drunk), and Project Meridian Foundation.
You never know Brimstone might be cooking up next! Follow along on his Facebook Page and check out his website www.entrancetohell.com for news, updates and more.
If you’re just joining us for this series, please check out our previous Commander Monday reports!
If any evidence of the pen being mightier than the sword must be given, Special Forces Brigade member Jonathan Maberry will gladly oblige. While ZSC Command seems unable to agree on exactly when Jonathan joined the crew, all reports indicate that he appeared in the command center in the middle of the night and made himself at home. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that Jonathan’s impressive expertise in the area of zombie literature is not the only talent he carries with him. At this point, ZSC Command decided that they probably couldn’t make him leave if they really wanted him to… but it was also decided that nobody wanted him to leave and he was immediately assigned to Special Forces.
Jonathan has nearly fifty years of martial arts experience, and has achieved an 8th degree black belt in Shinowara-ryu Jujutsu. This former bodyguard and bouncer has invested valuable time teaching and sharing his knowledge with a vast range of self-defense groups of all ages and backgrounds. He’s been inducted into the International Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and the word around town is that he’s also taught combat techniques to CIA agents and Special Operatives. His earlier works revolved mostly around martial arts and self defense, including Judo and You, Ultimate Jujutsu and Ultimate Sparring.
Known for his work on novels Dead of Night, Rot & Ruin, Dust & Decay, Patient Zero, and Marvel Zombies Return, multiple Bram Stoker Award winner Jonathan Maberry’s writing has a unique sense of real-world relevance that separates his work from the ever-growing horde of supernatural literature. A self-professed research junkie, Jonathan tireless hunt for more knowledge is meticulous and thorough, and he never fails to achieve the perfect balance between well-written, entertaining fiction and factual details. In his nonfictional works such as Wanted Undead or Alive: Vampire Hunters and Other Kick-Ass Enemies of Evil, and Zombie CSU: The Forensics of the Living Dead, his examination of the relationship between man and monster, particularly our love/ hate relationship with things that go bump in the night, shows he is uniquely qualified for leadership in the impending doom of the Zpocalypose. Jonathan also penned the novelization of the 2010 remake of The Wolf Man starring Benicio del Toro, and is a speaker for the National Writers Union, and president of the New Jersey-Philadelphia Chapter of the Horror Writers Association.
Fear not, friends. With the great Maberry on our side, we have nothing to fear when the Z-Pocalypse begins.
Be sure to check out Jonathan’s latest release – book 5 of the Extinction Machine series. currently available in paperback as well as Kindle and Nook format!
Stay up to date on all things Maberry by following Jonathan Maberry’s Big Scary Blog, say hello on Twitter or Facebook once in awhile, and don’t forget to check back here from time to time to see what’s new in the Z-pocalypse.
If you’re just joining us for this series, please be sure to check out our previous Commander Monday reports!