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Search results for: Commander Monday

Commander Monday: Billy Tackett

Our elite Special Forces Brigade combines brawn, brains, creativity, and experience into a powerful, unstoppable force of sheer awesomeness. Known as the World’s Foremost Zombification Specialist, who else but artist extraordinaire Billy Tacket can bring us a unique, striking and honest perspective on our future foes?

Commander Monday: Michael Rooker

On the eighth day, God created Michael Rooker and said “That should give the zombies something to worry about.” True story. Special Forces Commander Michael Rooker is badder than ol’ King Kong, meaner than a junkyard dog. Foes alive, dead or mostly dead quake in their boots when he’s around. The UGA couldn’t catch him.
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Commander Mondays: Ernie Hudson

This distinguished actor, producer and writer has been bringing his best to both screen and stage for so long, it’s nearly impossible to imagine the industry could ever have existed without him. For his seemingly never-exhausted efforts to bring us all together, the Zombie Survival Crew salutes Second Lieutenant Ernie Hudson with a crossbow and a giant Twinkie.

Commander Monday: J LaRose

Orange Brigade, meet Second Lieutenant J. LaRose! While many of you are no doubt aware of his rather messy demise in Saw III (disembowelment does have its drawbacks), rest assured that the LT is in fine shape and more than ready to take on the ever-growing threat to the human race. You don’t even have to take my word for it, just a glimpse into J’s varied talents and wide range of experience is enough to convince anyone.

Commander Mondays: Adrian Kali Turner

Watch out world! Light Blue Brigade’s Second Lieutenant Adrian Kali Turner is stepping up to the plate. This young actor, writer, singer, competitive dancer, youth speaker, humanitarian and ambitious entrepreneur may be only fifteen years old, but that shouldn’t give you any reason to believe he is to be underestimated…

Commander Monday: The Oracle, L.K. Gardner-Griffie

Once an innocent writer of young adult novels, L.K. Gardner-Griffie’s role in the upcoming apocalypse is perhaps the most crucial of all. Without her wisdom, infinite knowledge and uncanny ability to translate the often-garbled incoming transmissions from other commanders, we would surely be lost in a maze of utter confusion and mayhem.