Salting The Earth

Review of The Walking Dead 301 “Seed”

October is finally here. For some of you, you won’t understand the huge breath of relief some of us took on Sunday night when we curled up on the couch and tuned into AMC at nine o’clock. Okay, relief may not quite be the right word, given the amount of bloodshed in the season premiere of The Walking Dead, but you get the gist. No more counting down days. No more stalking websites for behind-the-scenes interviews and pictures. The time has come to catch up with Rick, Daryl, T-Dog, Andrea, and the other survivors on the show.

Season three picks up a few months after where season two left off. The opening sequence, with its lack of dialog, spoke volumes about what has happened in their lives since Rick put his boot down and declared the beginning of the Ricktatorship. There was also an amazing pullback shot to unveil the first walker of the season. For all of those who complained there weren’t enough zombies in the last season, your wishes have been granted. There was no way to keep a body count in this episode, not even on the re-watch.

One huge difference in the group dynamic, everyone carries their own weight. Even Carl is given the task of standing guard while the others discuss where to go next on their never-ending quest to find enough supplies to keep them fed and safe. Not only does Carl stand guard, he’s handling a gun and hasn’t managed to shoot his foot or someone who is actually alive. Amazing, considering months earlier he couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn and the group was nearly torn apart over the fact that he’d been given a gun at all outside of target practice. Yeah, a lot of folks will think, “Sure, put the kid in charge of dangerous things” and laugh. But, hey, at least they’re at a prison. Hopefully the place is big enough; he’ll stay inside like he’s told.

The other huge change in the group, they’re moving and thinking like a paramilitary unit now. Months of constant moving have ground down the rough edges from personalities clashing and created a fluid hive mind, lead by Rick. Daryl stands at Rick’s right hand. Glenn and T-Dog are on the left. And Maggie is seriously holding her own with the men during fight scenes. No one is superfluous…without reason. Quit yelling. We all know there’s one character fans love to hate. We’ll get to her later.

What I’m talking about is the efficiency in how the group moves into the prison. It is almost too easy. Rick got them all worked up, spoon fed them pretty stories to rile them up and get them to keep putting one exhausted foot in front of the other. He turned the prison into an oasis—a goal too good to be true in the eyes of tired and starving travelers. Will they find their oasis in the prison or is the proverbial desert stretching out in front of them with no water in sight?

Since leaving the farm, the group has technically been split. Andrea didn’t make it out in the mad dash to the cars and was left behind to fight her way through the woods. When the end seemed to be coming for her, someone stepped out of the shadows and saved her—Michonne. Michonne is ruthless in the way she kills. She doesn’t waste energy in movement. She does what is needed to ensure she isn’t bit and moves on. There is probably a lot of severed zombie heads left in her wake. Michonne also seriously cares for Andrea. They’ve bonded over the months they’ve been on their own path of survival. Well, Michonne, Andrea, and the pet zombies. There’s a band name for someone to use.

Okay, fine, we’ll discuss the Lori Problem. This is similar to the Shane Problem, but with more hair, an incoming baby, and a lot more crying. Long gone are the days when Lori could bat her eyelashes at Rick and convince him to do her bidding. He’s done buying her snake oil treatments for a better life in the Zombiepocalypse. Rick tried things her way and lost his best friend in the process. But he isn’t dwelling on it. Rick is pushing the group forward. Lori just wants to dig up the pain they left rotting in a field on the farm. Her baby is due any day and it is very apparent that Lori is not mentally prepared for it at all. She is still focused on herself and how others perceive her. Can she change her focus once the baby comes or will she spend all of her time worried over whether or not the kid looks like her husband?

The final scene of the Walking Dead premiere left a lot hanging in the balance, more than I’m comfortable with, actually. Any time this show leaves a cliffhanger, fans end up rather upset or disturbed. Despite the potential for fan-angst, what is to come in the season—the Governor, the prison and everything else—promises to be amazing.

What are you looking forward to during the third season of The Walking Dead? Let us know in the comments below.

Northeast (Blue) Resupply Station: Lewes, DE (Phase I Site) Part 3

Rendezvous Point Cape Henlopen — Lewes, DE

We put out the call for local information on resupply stations, and the Zombie Survival Crew continues to respond. Information is coming in and we’re sifting through and compiling everything for communication to the loyalists. We started with information on South Central Resupply site Midland, TX thanks to Purple Brigade member, Kris O’Dell, and continue now with Lewes, DE compliments of ZSC Yellow brigader Brian McCabe. Because of the amount of information Brian provided, we’ll post this in multiple parts.

Rendezvous Point Cape Henlopen

2 hours via Vehicle from Point Blue Rocks – Easy Access Rt. 1 to Rt. 9 to Cape Henlopen Dr.

Cape Henlopen State Park is an old World War II base that not only has observation towers, but bunk houses and a bunker system as well, for optimum security. It also has several large buildings that can be used for housing and/or a Command Center. There is a fishing center for a natural food supply, and the University of Delaware and the US government have a high-tech weather center that could provide a key to communicating with others at some point.

The facility will have a variety of valuable supplies in regards to primitive living, tools, hunting and fishing equipment, resource management tools, etc. One key point for this location is it sits next to the Cape May Ferry, which will not only have supplies, but it also houses various size boats. Quite useful in either falling back to the Phase 2 site or reconnecting with Phase 1’s site in Southern New Jersey. This site also sits just outside of Lewes, which has a variety of retail, restaurants, and a large hospital. Lewes also has a boat yard, which docks everything from sail boats to charter fishing boats.

To read more on all resupply stations, please go to our (for members only) Key Links under the Escape Routes/Resupply Stations section.

ZSC Special Alert

From the mobile unit of ZSC Commander-in-Chief Juliette Terzieff:

Last year I nearly drove my car off the side of a highway in Louisiana when the call came through informing me the Centers for Disease Control had issued a zombie apocalypse preparedness guide. Here was not only confirmation of everything I had been saying for a year about disaster preparedness and survival, but the first admission by a U.S. government agency that zombies pose a real threat.

More recently the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency made zombie apocalypse preparedness part of their disaster management planning. FEMA reportedly even went so far as to host a seminar for its Citizens Corps, encouraging trainers to use the threat of zombies in their community outreach efforts.

Then this past week media reports surfaced that the private security firm HALO Corp. will be providing the U.S. military training on how to manage a zombie apocalypse. Yep, you read it right. Our men and women in uniform will get zombie apocalypse training as part of this year’s counter-terrorism summit.

All the government agencies and bodies listed above have taken great pains to point out that the zombies they are preparing for are only metaphors, and that the advice and skills they’re developing are actually intended for use in cases of real world natural or mad-made disasters.

But we here at Zombie Survival Crew can’t help but wonder if the government knows something we don’t. We’ve asked all our Commanders to adopt a hyper-vigilant stance and keep their eyes open for suspicious activities. We urge you all to do the same…


Survival School – Emergency Water Treatments

© Photographer: David Coleman | Agency:

Whether zombies are knocking on your door, or a natural disaster forces you to evacuate, there are a few vital skills everyone should know in order to keep your family safe.

Water, in any disaster or even while camping, is a precious commodity. Honestly, the best method to ensure you have enough is to keep store-bought gallons of water on-hand just in case. Store a three-day supply of water—one gallon of water per person per day. That does not include water for washing dishes—which must also be purified—washing your face, brushing teeth, and tending to any possible medical emergencies. At the very least, a three-day supply will give you guaranteed clean water long enough to allow you to find a safe water source to pull and purify.

In a pinch, FEMA and the Red Cross recommends the following methods for cleaning and purifying water for drinking.

Option 1: Boiling

Boiling water kills water-born pathogens that can make one ill. Boil a pot of water at 160*F (a rolling boil, not a simmer) for at least 1 minute (you may boil longer if you wish). While, yes, it will kill anything in the water, it will not filter out any debris or make the water taste better. Pack some cheesecloth in your go bag and pour the water through of few layers of that before boiling to filter out debris.

Option 2: Chlorine Treatment

Using an eyedropper, add 8-10 drops of non-scented, regular liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of water to purify (up to 16 drops if the water is cloudy). Stir and let the water stand for 30 minutes.

Tip: The water should smell a little like bleach (or tap water in a large city). If it does not, repeat the process and let stand for 15 minutes. If after the second dose of bleach, it doesn’t smell like chlorine, the water is too dirty to purify.

Option 3: Distillation

Distillation will not only kill most microbes that will make you ill, it will also make sure you do not drink heavy metals, salt, and other chemicals (such as those used in other purification methods). This is the ideal method to use if you have children, infants, or anyone with serious health conditions in camp. Remember, though, it is a slow process to clean enough water for an adult’s recommended intake of half a gallon of water per day.

Find a large, clean pot with a lid. You will also need a cup and string/twine. Fill the pot half way with water. Tie the cup onto the handle of the pot lid and put the lid onto the pot upside down, so the cup hangs inside the pot. Make sure the cup is not touching the water. Bring the pot of water to a boil for 20 minutes. The water vapors will condense on the pot lid and drip into the cup. The water in the cup is distilled and ready for drinking.

There are two more methods available for water treatment.

Option 4: Iodine Treatment

Use 5 drops of liquid iodine for every quart of water (up to 12 drops if the water is cloudy). Make sure the iodine contains 5.25% hypochlorite as the only active ingredient. The Red Cross or FEMA does not recommend anything else as suitable for water treatments. Iodine treatments are also available in crystal and tablet form. Follow the directions on the bottles for those.

Note: Iodine water treatment is not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women, anyone over 50, or anyone with thyroid problems. If after the first treatment, the water does not smell like iodine, it is too dirty to purify. Iodine treatment is not recommended for long-term survival use (over a week or two).

Option 5: Filter systems

There is a range of water filters available at camping supply stores. Some of them are downright expensive. If you live in an area with frequent flooding, hurricanes, or any natural disaster that would remove you from your home(aside from the pending Zombiepocalypse), we’d suggest maybe looking into a filter system. As far as stocking your go bag, use one of the above options and save your money for the essentials–toilet paper and coffee.


For all of the above water treatment options, ensure that the container you collect/purify the water in is CLEAN—washed with soap or rinsed with diluted bleach.

Be sure to collect clear-looking water from a moving source. Ponds and other stagnant bodies of water will have far more bacteria than large, flowing bodies of water. The cleaner the water is when you start the purification process, the easier it will be to clean.

Always boil water you intend to cook with BEFORE adding food—at least 2 minutes of a hard, rolling boil before cooking to prevent bacteria from hiding in the food.


It is recommended that you utilize commercially bought, food-safe water containers to store water in case of an emergency. Wash the containers with soap and water and rinse thoroughly before filling.

If you do not have the resources to buy a container, use a two-liter soda bottle. Not plastic jugs from milk, or juice (the sugar and protein do not wash out and the water will spoil). Wash the two-liter bottles and lids with soap and water and rinse thoroughly.

Fill the bottles with water from the tap at home (Add two drops of bleach per gallon if your house draws from a well. Public water sources are already treated). Or, use the clean bottles to store your boiled/treated water after it is cool/clean. Water stored in this manner will last for about six months.

Northeast (Blue) Resupply Station: Dover, DE (Phase I Site) Part 2

Rendezvous Point Dover Downs – Dover, DE
We put out the call for local information on resupply stations, and the Zombie Survival Crew continues to respond. Information is coming in and we’re sifting through and compiling everything for communication to the loyalists. We started with information on South Central Resupply site Midland, TX thanks to Purple Brigade member, Kris O’Dell, and continue now with Wilmington, DE compliments of ZSC Yellow brigader Brian McCabe. Because of the amount of information Brian provided, we’ll post this in multiple parts.

Rendezvous Point Dover Downs


1-hour drive from Point Blue Rocks – Positioned between Rt. 1 & Rt. 113

While Dover AFB is close, we’ll assume that it’s a high-risk site, and will require recon after a base of operations is established for Phase 1. Dover Downs is not only a NASCAR track, but also a casino, both fully stocked with various supplies.

The key for this position is the ease of security. While the outside of the race track is open to all access points, the inside of the track can be heavily secured and fortified with great observational points on the top levels. In that area, there are plenty of retail stores, restaurants, and a mall for supplying the base. Key resource at this location will be fuel and auto supplies. Even when there isn’t a race, the facility has a full supply of fuel, vehicles, and parts. One other note, the City of Dover just installed a solar park with 3,000 solar panels in Garrison Oak Tech Park (White Oak Road – behind the race track).

Something to think about.

To read more on all resupply stations, please go to our (for members only) Key Links under the Escape Routes/Resupply Stations section.

In The News – Rising Undead and Typhoons

Top Stories

Undead to Rise Again in New Quartet of ‘Walking Dead’ Webisodes (via Tubefilter)

Zombies are coming. Are you prepared? (via The Daily Sentinel)

Be Prepared

Event pushes disaster preparedness (via Nevada Appeal)

Cultural Resource Receives Grant for Disaster Preparedness Training (via Beach Carolina)

Franklin County’s first responders conduct event to stress preparedness for disasters (via Public Opinion)

TWD Webisodes
(click here)

Zombie brunch caps weekend of all things undead (via The Times Tribune)

Runners dodge undead during zombie 5K run (via Citizens Voice)

Avoid the Hordes of Undead in This Black Ops II Zombies Teaser (via Ripten)

Zombie survivors unite (via The Weekender)

Natural Disasters Strike

Typhoon holds up 4,000 people in Philippines (via Deccan Herald)

Monster Typhoon Jelawat Eyes Philippines, Taiwan (via AccuWeather)

Earthquake damage seen from space (via Mother Nature Network)

Volcano erupts with smoke, ash in north Indonesia (via Detroit Free Press)


In The News – Pennsylvania Zombie and DIY Brain Fillets

Top stories:

Naked & Bloody Pennsylvania Man Gnaws On Woman’s Head! (via Perez Hilton)

Zombies Attack at Dorney Park (via Patch)

Zombies Invade Theme Park as Resident Evil Attraction Opens at Universal Studios Japan! (via Gadget Helpline)

Be Prepared:

How to Make Fake Brains and Survive the Zombie Apocalypse (via Wired)

‘Zombies’ lead to cop call (via The Now News)

County offers ‘Zombie Preparedness’ (Via Napa Valley Register)

Death and Taxes and Zombies (via Execupundit)

Germ Warfare:

Worst of West Nile virus season to come (via San Francisco Chronicle)

CDC confirms PAM as the cause of death of Indiana man last month (via Examiner)

Norovirus outbreak on Princess cruise ship sparks CDC investigation (via Alaska Dispatch)

Undead Tech:

Black Ops 2 Zombies have own campaign, included in multiplayer (via Stick Skills)

Quirky App Of The Day: Zombie Toon Brings A Cute Side To Zombies (via App Advice)

‘The Walking Dead’ zombie serial game is killer (via Longmont Daily Times-Call)

Commander Corner:

Norman Reedus Talks Season 3 of “The Walking Dead” (via Entertainment Weekly)

Michael Rooker of ‘The Walking Dead,’ ‘Henry,’ ‘Cliffhanger’ Joins 2012 Wizard World Austin Comic Con (via Wizard World)

Anthony Michael Hall filming new movie, “Friend Request” (via ABC 4)

Ghost Trek Make Up Featurette: Conor McCullagh (Face Off) and Addy Miller (via You Tube)

Northeast (Blue) Resupply Station: 5B Wilmington, DE (Phase I Site) Part I

Rendezvous Point Blue Rocks – Wilmington, DE

We put out the call for local information on resupply stations, and the Zombie Survival Crew continues to respond. Information is coming in and we’re sifting through and compiling everything for communication to the loyalists. We started with information on South Central Resupply site Midland, TX thanks to Purple Brigade member, Kris O’Dell, and continue now with Wilmington, DE compliments of ZSC Yellow brigader Brian McCabe. Because of the amount of information Brian provided, we’ll post this in multiple parts.


Rendezvous Point Blue Rocks

A key issue with Wilmington, DE is that all major roads ( Rt. 95/ Rt.1/ Rt. 13) in and out can become congested as it can be seen throughout the summer and holiday weekends, which could lead to major issues to get out of town via vehicle.

In the southern part of the city lies the Minor League Ball Park – Frawley Stadium. This Ball Park not only sits off the major routes, but also sits in an area referred to as Riverfront. Riverfront has restaurants, shops, and a Scout shop (a supply point for Boy Scout groups). This position also has dock access to Phase 2 via the River. The ball park, while large, has adequate security opportunities for short and long term stays as a base of operations.

(click on the images to enlarge the maps)


To read more on all resupply stations, please go to our (for members only) Key Links under the Escape Routes/Resupply Stations section

In The News: Zombie Apocalypse v College

Top Stories:

What is more difficult to survive, the Zombie Apocalypse or your first semester at college? Two instructors at Northern Kentucky University have a solution for that. (via The Northerner)

The Zombie Dash

DATE: Unknown; post-apocalypse

SITUATION: Dire. Recon footage shows rural and suburban fortifications have been completely overrun. The viral outbreak to the east, once limited to these outer regions, has gone full-scale, spreading westward like wildfire among the dense populations of the city. Most citizens have been infected and quarantined.

MISSION: You are part of a small band of survivors on a scouting mission who must enter the quarantine area under the cover of darkness. Avoid the ravenous zombie hordes roaming the night and make it back to safety.

October 13 – Holly State Recreation Area, Michigan

Be Prepared:

Do you have $1,550 burning a hole in your pocket and an itchy trigger finger whenever anyone mentions the Zombiepocalypse? Yankee Hill Machinery has produced a stunning zombie-inspired AR-15 rifle, the SOC-150 “Zombie Hunter”. (via

Germ Warfare:

State, federal health regulators: Whooping cough cases rise significantly (via Boston Globe)

CDC: West Nile cases rise 40 percent in 1 week (via Calgary Herald)

Up to 1 million mangoes recalled in Salmonella outbreak (via CNN)

Midwestern researcher discovers new virus related to hantavirus (via L.A. Times)

Yosemite officials warn more visitors about hantavirus (via L.A. Times)

1st victim to die from new swine flu strain had contact with hogs at Ohio county fair (via CBS News)

Undead Tech:

Plants vs. Zombies Wages War As Zen Pinball Table (via Cinema Blend)

Dead Island Riptide First Look Preview — We Have to Go Back…and Kill More Zombies! (via G4)

‘ZombiU’ Buckingham Palace escape trailer unveiled (via Digital Spy)

Commander Corner

Sean Patrick Flanery and J. LaRose sighting! On October 23rd, sinners will be able to purchase the DVD and Blu-ray for The Devil’s Carnival.

“In THE DEVIL’S CARNIVAL sinners are invited to a theme park where they endure the repetition of their transgressions. What chances do a conniving kleptomaniac, a gullible teenager, and an obsessed father stand when facing their own moral failings? Lucifer and his colorful cast of singing carnies invite you to grab a ticket to THE DEVIL’S CARNIVAL to find out!”

Myth Bashing – It’s a Trap!

We’re back to tackle another round of myth bashing Zombie Survival Crew style. This segment is here to help you, loyal brigadiers, from using bad information to protect yourselves during the Zombiepocalypse. Your safety is important to us.

Myth: There is no way to build a functional zombie trap.

Fact: Well, not if you go into the planning stages expecting to remake a mousetrap in human size. Laying a bloody arm on a wood platform and rigging a pressure switch to release a giant iron bar to crush whatever happens to get in the way seems like a cool idea (and yes, I did consider building one just because it seemed cool) but that isn’t what we’re talking about here.

The idea behind a zombie trap is to capture and dispose of as many undead as possible with minimal risk or loss of human life. Given that we’re placing these traps in what will likely be a wasteland after the first wave of attacks, there isn’t much concern about how much collateral damage these traps cause.

With that in mind, I say kill them with fire.

Many of the zombie trap designs I came across while researching involved making modifications to your home that would contain one or two zombies at a time, allowing you to dispatch them with a blow to the skull. That’s all well and good if you live in a rural area with a low population. The more people around you, the more potential zombies are lurking next door.

Down the road from my current undisclosed location is a string of abandoned warehouses. These were businesses that went belly-up in the latest financial crisis and just locked the doors, leaving everything inside. A few of them have mountains of wooden pallets. While scouting locations, I came up with this zombie trap plan:

Cut off a quarter of the building’s interior with chain link fencing that will withhold a good amount of weight. Make sure this portion of the building has at least three exit points. This is your staging area, be sure to secure the exterior of each exit point with solid walls of metal sheeting. In the rest of the building, lay down old carpeting and stack up anything flammable to create a maze of sorts. Cover all but one door and seal any windows that can be used to escape in that portion of the space.

Now for the part that can get a tad hairy if your team isn’t prepared. You’re going to have a party. Not really, but that is about the noise range you need to reach in order to draw the zombies in. Be loud. Light a barbecue (outside, that place is rigged to ignite FAST). Basically, you’re advertising that humans are present and waiting to be slaughtered like teens at a summer camp.

Once the zombies find a way to get to the yummy humans inside the building, you need to act quickly. Prepare about half a dozen or so Molotov cocktails and have them ready to go. Light and chuck them into the stacks of flammable materials. Once the building goes up, so will the zombies. Don’t worry about blocking the door they came into. They’ll bottleneck trying to escape.

The important part is to get out of the building as quickly as possible once it ignites. Outside forces need to make sure there is a clear line to your vehicles to get out of dodge before the building comes down.

Is my zombie trap a loss of resources? Yes. But if you plan to stay in the city, sacrifices will need to be made in order to put a serious dent in the undead population. It isn’t the perfect zombie trap, however it will work if done right.

Do you have a zombie trap planned? Share it with us in the comments.

Is there a zombie myth you think we should dig into? Send to us in the comments