Green Brigade Traits

Want to know just how strong IronE Singleton and his Green Brigade are? What keeps them moving forward with a host of undead horde on their heels? What they carry in their Go Bags?

Login to the site, or take the chance to sign up, and you will learn what it takes to be in the Green Brigade.

Warning: The information herein is Top Secret and NOT to fall into the hands of the UGA.




Orange Brigade Traits

Wondering how a brigade of ZSC members wearing bright orange shirts can become virtual ghosts? What motivates them to keep going when the undead are on their heels? And what exactly goes in their go bags?

Login to the site, or take the chance to sign up, and the secrets of the Orange Brigade and their commander R.C. Murphy will be revealed.

Do note, if any of this information is handed over to the UGA, we will be coming for you. ::R.C. taps her sword against her boot:: We clear?

Lt Blue Brigade Traits

Would you like to know just what the Lt Blue Brigade is all about and how they operate? Login to the site to get the skinny on Anthony Guajardo, Commander, and the Lt Blue Brigade’s survival secrets for when the Zombiepocalypse hits.

All information herein is CLASSIFIED and as you’ll see, Anthony Guajardo and his Lt Blue Brigade members know exactly how to deal with unsavory folk. Watch out for that machete!





Yellow Brigade Traits

Want to know just what the Yellow Brigade is all about and how they operate? Login to the site for the down-lo on Commander Jinxie G and the Yellow Brigade’s survival secrets for when the Zombiepocalypse hits.

All information herein is CLASSIFIED and as you’ll see, Jinxie G and her Yellow Brigade compadres will punish accordingly for any leaks, especially to the UGA, which Jinxie has been hiding from for the last fifteen months.



Blue Brigade Traits

In a continuation of our Member’s Only Monday feature (must be a member to view), we bring you the Blue Brigade.

The easiest way to get nice and dead in the Zombiepocalypse is to wander around lost. The ZSC’s Blue Brigade is here to help you stay alive and intact. Login to the site, or take the opportunity to sign up, and delve into the tactics used by Norman Reedus and his brigade to keep the rest of us on the map.

Warning: Any information herein is CLASSIFIED. Leaking such information about brigades is considered a grave offense and will be dealt with using the pointy end of a crossbow bolt.


Albuquerque Comicon 2011

The Albuquerque Comic Con was the first time some of the Zombie Survival Crew Command team got together in one place at the same time . . . .

We thought it would be a good opportunity to hone our collective battle plans. Instead, it was complete chaos. And that was just Friday night!

It all started when Juliette cha-cha-cha’d by accident in front of Lou Ferrigno. You know, the original Hulk? And this was AFTER she had her infamous fangirl moment in the hotel lobby that I tweeted about. Lisa and I barely managed to stay standing when that little number went down. That was our first indication that Juliette’s street cred might be more bluster than substance.

Keep an eye on the crossbow, peeps. I’m not saying mutiny. I just want to know where it’s pointed . . . and I hope not at my backside.

By the time Lisa, Juliette and I managed to meet up with Sean, Rocco and Norman (having left Anthony at the hotel to get his beauty sleep), we got mooned by a short bus full of college-aged boys during the taxi ride, and Lisa spilled almost an entire drink on Juliette after Juliette spilled part of my drink on herself.

I can’t say I was completely surprised that Rocco’s first reaction to Juliette was to start throwing punches.

I’m kidding . . . though he did elbow her in the back and aim a faux-blow at her jaw later in the night. Don’t ask.

We found him by the dance floor, introduced ourselves, talked to him for a bit only to discover Rocco’s kinda quiet, like me . . . or so it seemed. Look, I know y’all don’t believe I’m shy, but I am. You’ll find out when you meet me the first time. Juliette did.

Sean wandered around the bar and got mobbed by people, and blinked a lot from having his picture taken repeatedly. I don’t think he sat down all night.

When Norman walked in, Lisa and I stuttered (not really . . . who’s writing this post?) and Juliette put her war zone journalism skills into action before the crowds pounced. Good thing too. Because that was just about the time Anthony called to see if we were still alive. Barely, dude. Just barely. Read more…