Zombie Activity in Danville, VT

Breaking News

This sign was spotted in Danville, Vermont on Tuesday July 12, 2011. Once the local news was made aware and started to broadcast it, the sign was quickly changed.

All local news sources are now reporting that the message on the road sign is the work of hackers. And although many angry and even potentially violent people were spotted, the official word was that it was in response to long traffic delays and not a zombie invasion.

However, I remain skeptical of the official word as the only government official to make a statement was a bit vague in his response.

“No zombie attack has occurred, as far as I know,” chuckled Vt. transportation secretary Brian Searles.

I will continue to monitor the situation and will report any new developments as soon as I can.

Sarah Q
Blue Brigade

Thanks to Blue Brigade faithful, Sarah Q for bringing this to our attention. All crew members must remain alert and report any signs of zombie activity to command as soon as known.

Orange Brigade Traits

Wondering how a brigade of ZSC members wearing bright orange shirts can become virtual ghosts? What motivates them to keep going when the undead are on their heels? And what exactly goes in their go bags?

Login to the site, or take the chance to sign up, and the secrets of the Orange Brigade and their commander R.C. Murphy will be revealed.

Do note, if any of this information is handed over to the UGA, we will be coming for you. ::R.C. taps her sword against her boot:: We clear?

Words of Advice from Anthony Guajardo

Normally we hate to give any sort of warnings or content advisories on the site. However, we have to make an exception for the following PSA. This video was shot in the midst of the Dallas Comic Con insanity, and I think you can tell that Light Blue Brigade commander Anthony Guajardo was feeling the effects of a hectic weekend. We all promptly felt it after he finished recording. (If you ask Juliette nicely enough, she will show you the video captured after…)

So here’s your warning: Put Down Your Drinks. Do not take a bite of your mid-afternoon snack. And for goodness sake, sit down before clicking play! The Zombie Survival Crew is not responsible for any injuries or water damage to keyboards resulting from viewing this video.


Lt Blue Brigade Traits

Would you like to know just what the Lt Blue Brigade is all about and how they operate? Login to the site to get the skinny on Anthony Guajardo, Commander, and the Lt Blue Brigade’s survival secrets for when the Zombiepocalypse hits.

All information herein is CLASSIFIED and as you’ll see, Anthony Guajardo and his Lt Blue Brigade members know exactly how to deal with unsavory folk. Watch out for that machete!





Yellow Brigade Traits

Want to know just what the Yellow Brigade is all about and how they operate? Login to the site for the down-lo on Commander Jinxie G and the Yellow Brigade’s survival secrets for when the Zombiepocalypse hits.

All information herein is CLASSIFIED and as you’ll see, Jinxie G and her Yellow Brigade compadres will punish accordingly for any leaks, especially to the UGA, which Jinxie has been hiding from for the last fifteen months.



Blue Brigade Traits

In a continuation of our Member’s Only Monday feature (must be a member to view), we bring you the Blue Brigade.

The easiest way to get nice and dead in the Zombiepocalypse is to wander around lost. The ZSC’s Blue Brigade is here to help you stay alive and intact. Login to the site, or take the opportunity to sign up, and delve into the tactics used by Norman Reedus and his brigade to keep the rest of us on the map.

Warning: Any information herein is CLASSIFIED. Leaking such information about brigades is considered a grave offense and will be dealt with using the pointy end of a crossbow bolt.