Wow, three years down the road and we’re still continuously surprised by the amount of love and support we receive from you, loyal brigadiers. As thanks, we’re taking a cue from the way hobbits handle their birthdays—giving their party guests presents—with a giveaway and a contest. What are the prizes? Oh, just a couple things we’ve had tucked away in our prize closet. The prize closet we forgot about until it came time to inventory our supplies for winter. Whoops? Time flies when we’re training future survivors.
The Giveaway:
To make this part nice and easy for everyone, we’re giving you guys ten days to enter using the form below. Just follow the directions. The prize? An autographed photo from one of your ZSC commanders—Addy Miller, Vincent M. Ward, Lew Temple, or Michael Rooker.
The Contest:
It’s no secret, your ZSC commanders like sweets. Namely, birthday cake. Grab your frosting bags, folks. We’re looking for the most creative ZSC birthday cake (or cupcake). Snap a picture of your sweet creations and email them to command (at) zombiesurvivalcrew (dot) com by 11:59 PM PST on December 29th 2013. Please use the subject line.
ZSC Birthday Cake for your entries.
The most creative cake entry will win a ZSC t-shirt signed by ten cast members from “The Walking Dead,” including: Norman Reedus, Steven Yeun, Addy Miller, Anthony Guajardo, Jon Bernthal, and more!
The giveaway and contest are open internationally. Please, no pictures of profanity or nudity included with the Birthday Cake entries. By submitting your picture into the Birthday Cake giveaway, you give the ZSC permission to use the image, with your name attached, on our website for purposes of announcing the prize winner. Winners will be notified via email.
This is a tad delayed. We’d picked the winner once after the holiday’s were all safely packed away in the North Pole (a.k.a. the storage shed on the ZSC command compound) but Purple Brigade Commander LK got a little over-eager to play with the new modifications she made on her flux capacitor and, well . . . let’s just say some of us were forced to relive December in order to catch up with the rest of the world. Yes, we hid LK’s shiny new toy until she reads the 2000 page handbook that came with it.
Barring any other incidents, we’re finally ready to tell you guys who won the Holiday Song Contest. And it is . . . Christina Bledsoe!
Congratulations, Christina! Here’s her song. Careful, it’ll get stuck in your head like a walker’s tooth.
Here Come’s Juliette, to the tune of “Here Come’s Santa Claus”
Here come’s Juliette
Here come’s Juliette
Right down zombie lane
Hacking and slashing
Killing zombies the whole fracking way
R.C. whooping, Jinxie hollering
“Get the one to your right”
So grab your duct tape and wrap your arms
Cuz the ZSC is coming tonight.
Here come’s Juliette
Here come’s Juliette
Right down zombie lane
She’s got a bag that’s filled with toys
For her and her brigade
She runs circles around those corpses
With a twinkle in her eye,
It doesn’t matter if it’s Christmas cuz Juliette is coming tonight (spoken softly) “Elf ears and all”
There goes one head
Make that two heads
Right down to the ground
Mixed with visceral, blood and snow
Of the dead, “Oh My” She can’t refrain
From leading her people, on this mission
Of importance
So if you’re a zombie run away
Cuz Juliette comes tonight.
(Whisper names of ZSC members as the song fades out)
With the holiday season in full swing, things have been rather hectic around the command center. There is a blur of activity and secret shenanigans going on. We recently announced our new line of ZSC Reedus gear which we are all excited about and there’s more to come. I can’t say what ’cause the chief will have my kidneys cooked up as pie for Christmas dinner if I do, but we will be ringing in the new year in style. ‘Nuff said. We recently released our 2nd Annual Zombie Survival Crew Anthology — Undead Uncensored — and it’s something you should check out as soon as you have a chance. And I’ve put Commander Murphy’s army of zombie bunnies decorating the command center and let me tell you, should you drop by for some holiday cheer bring your sunglasses ’cause they like the bling as much as I do… or it could be that I told them the bling it up and forgot to issue the stop command and they just kept on going.
Needless to say we’ve had our hands full… then we realized we hadn’t had a contest in a while… so to help give everyone a bit of holiday cheer, Commander Murphy and I decided to cobble something together to bring everyone a bit of delight.
The rules are easy… take a holiday song – whether it be Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, or anything else holiday-ish, and rewrite the lyrics to go with the pic below, and post the lyrics in the comments of this post by 12/26/12 @ 23:59 PS.T (11:59 PM for the non-military types). The prize is a brand, spankin’ new, shiny copy of Undead Uncensored. ***BREAKING NEWS*** the chief has stopped hunting me down in cold blood long enough to ADD a ZSC t-shirt to make it a prize pack. Wheeeee!!! Gotta run, now.
Need an example?? *shrugs* All right, I’ll give you a snippet (but you can’t use my lyrics so I won’t write very many)
To the tune of Rudolph, the Red-nosed ReindeerYou know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donder and Blitzen, but do you recall…? The most famous elf of them all… JT the ZSC commander, had some very pointy ears…
Bonus points for anyone who can work duct tape or running in circles into the verse or refrain. What do you get for earning the bonus points? The knowledge that Commander Murphy and I won’t stop laughing until the New Year should we manage to escape the crossbow bolt for that long. That’s it. Off you go to make marvelous songs to give us all a bit of cheer.
We here at the Zombie Survival Crew are delighted to announce the individual winners for the T-Dog’s Next Line contest run by Green Brigade Commander IronE Singleton a.k.a. Theodore “T-Dog” Douglas in the run-up to the season 3 premiere of AMC’s hit show The Walking Dead!!!!
We laughed. We cried. We cringed. The entries into the contest were amazing and we thank everyone who had such obvious fun coming up with lines for T-Dog!!
Though there were some great guesses, no one got close to the exact first line IronE spoke during the first episode, so the Grand Prize will go unawarded.
Selecting the winner in the funniest line and coolest line category was a challenge! It took us quite some time to reach consensus from the many, many wonderful suggestions. So without further ado…..
FUNNIEST Line Individual Winners:
Gold – @MaricaMullan – If I get bitten, will I become a dog walker?
Silver – @ViviBickell for the line: “If I have to eat any more squirrel, I’m going to sprout a damn tail and start collecting nuts for the winter.”
Bronze – @ZombieThon1 for the line: “Zoinks! That prison’s like totally overrun by zombies, Scoob…let’s get outta here!”
COOLEST Line Individual Winners:
Gold – @HugeRedSkinsFan for the line: “If I get bit put a bullet in my head because I’d rather die while I’m living than live while I’m dead.”
Silver – @StalkingReedus for the line: “I’ve come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass…and I’m all out of bubblegum.”
Bronze – @JeremyDavids1 for the line: “The T stands for trouble, and you’re in it Dog.”
Congratulations!!! And thank you again to all The Walking Dead fans for making this so much fun!
Stay tuned to The Walking Dead Sunday nights on AMC…if you dare!
We here at Zombie Survival Crew Command are just now managing to crawl out from under the horde of zombies unleashed by The Walking Dead season premiere Sunday night!!! Wow, what an adrenaline rush! By the time the premiere ended the Command Center was littered with ice cream wrappers, handfuls of tossed popcorn and a pile of bloody machetes!
We were scheduled to announce the country winners for the T-Dog’s Next Line contest right after the premiere aired –and we do apologize for the delay. Those popcorn kernals were really hard to get out of the Command computer keyboard!!!
So now, without any further ado, here are the medal-winning countries in the in T-Dog’s Next Line contest!!!
Gold – U.S.A.
Silver – Ireland
Bronze – France
There were entries that made us laugh, cry…cringe. The Walking Dead fans are definitely a creative bunch! And we’re now continuing to sift through all the entries and will post individual category winners on October 28!
Until then, stay tuned to The Walking Dead Sunday nights on AMC…if you dare!
An Announcement From the desk of the Zombie Survival Crew Commander-in-Chief, Juliette Terzieff
It’s time to have some fun ZSC brigadiers! Green Brigade Commander IronE Singleton has issued an Olympic challenge this summer in honor of the London Games and the Season 3 premiere of AMC’s hit television show The Walking Dead.
Participation is easy and your chance to win is limited only by the borders of your own imagination. Simply take to Twitter anytime beginning July 27, the opening day of the London Olympic Games, and before October 13 to take your shot at identifying #TDogsNextLine.
Sometimes we have a really hard time keeping track of our Orange Brigade Commander, RC Murphy. We don’t call her a ninja just for fun, folks. She’s good at what she does.
That is why we chose RC to head down to San Diego Comic-Con this weekend. We need a scout that can maneuver through the massive crowds undetected. And with our current problems surrounding the UGA (Unnamed Government Agency), it is best that whoever takes on this mission can take care of themselves.
However, we want to test our loyal brigadiers and decided to make a contest just for SDCC.
The first person to locate Commander RC will receive a token of gratitude from the Orange Brigade—a ZSC bumper sticker signed by RC and the Orange Brigade’s First Lieutenant, David Della Rocco.
You only have Friday and Saturday of the convention to complete your mission. Any longer and your brave commander risks being discovered. Work quickly and keep your eyes peeled for something small, furry, and ravenous.
Hang on to your hats! Convention season is in full swing for your Zombie Survival Crew commanders. So far we’ve scouted new troops in Albuquerque, New Jersey, Virginia Beach, and Calgary. Our next stop puts us in Dallas, TX for Texas Frightmare Weekend. How many loyal brigadiers will we see there?
The brave Commanders attending Texas Frightmare are:
We’ll be holding a brand new Con-test during the Saturday and Sunday of Texas Frightmare! The zombie bunnies RC keeps as pets in the Command Center have escaped and we think some of them stowed away in her luggage. Find the zombie bunny hiding on the ZSC table and win something special from us!
One prize per day, so you better be quick! Never know where the zombie bunnies will show up…
If you are following us on Twitter (@TheZSC) you’ve probably noticed that we’re creeping up on 2,000 followers over there. Pass the word along to your friends, family—anyone you want to be safe and secure when the Zombiepocalypse begins. When we reach 2,000 Twitter followers, we’ll pick a random follower to win a signed copy of our first anthology, Undead is Not an Option!
We’ve been busy little bees in the ZSC Command Center the last few weeks—all thanks to you, our extremely talented brigadiers. After a lot of reading, we’re ready to announce the second round finalists for our second anthology contest (try saying that ten times fast…).
– Jessica Capelle – “Save Us”
– Moira Jones – “My Story”
– Wendy Sparrow – “A Fixed Point in Time”
– Amber Revelt – “Clinical Zombie”
– Tiffany Flynn – “Diary of an Undead Dead Girl”
– Christopher De Voss – “Zombie Tracker Program”
– Amy Sundberg – “Southern Harmony”
– Craig Sabin – “Subway Zombie”
– RC Murphy – “And Now…I Die”
– Laura McPherson – Kingdom of the Dead
– Robin Sellman – Migration
– Kaolin Imago Fire – brain cookies
– Stephanie Allen – The Last Stand in Zarmageddon
– Deepdarkred – Staring
– Heather Serbanjak – Untitled
– Kerry Bennett – Soulless Dead
– Desiree White – Ballad of the City of Glass
– ZombieJacks666 – The End
– Robin Sellman – Silent, and Somewhere
Congratulations to the second round finalists and a huge thank you to everyone that submitted pieces for the anthology. Finalists, you will be receiving coded transmissions from Zombie Survival Crew command about your entries.
Keep your eyes peeled. We will be announcing the title for our second anthology soon!
We’ve been busy little bees in the ZSC Command Center the last few weeks—all thanks to you, our extremely talented brigadiers. After a lot of reading, we’re ready to announce the second round finalists for our second anthology contest (try saying that ten times fast…). BUT in order to see who moves on to the second round, you have to be a member (or login). Once you’ve created your account (or have logged in), check out the Second Round Anthology Finalists.